Tuesday, January 28, 2014

The Superbowl

This weekend is the Super Bowl, one of my favorite times in the Winter. The Super Bowl is a championship game for the sport Football. Many people in America love Football and even people who do not necessarily like Football usally still watch the Super Bowl. Many people and places have Super Bowl parties. I always look forward to going to my friends sisters house to enjoy a good time with great people, while also enjoying great football food, such as wings. I also get very excited for half time, where there is always a great performance. Last year one of my favorite artists performed and this year I am happy with the artist as well. The Super Bowl is extra special this year because the Super Bowl is in New York City! This entire week there are many different activities going on in the city and New Jersey because of the Super Bowl here in New York. I am hoping that sometime this week or weekend I will be able to be take part of the festivities. I am looking forward to watching the Super Bowl this Sunday and excited that it has finally come to New York.

championship- a big game to determine who is the best team at a sport.

Football- a well known American sport where a ball is thrown to other players who attempt to get to a touchdown without getting tackled.

necessarily- necessary-  what is needed.

favorite- something or someone special.

performance- music or acting done in front of people.

artists- a person who's job is within the arts. (Here it means a singer, performer)

activities- to do or be a part of a function.

festivities- having to do with a celebration or activity.                                      Super Bowl Party

parties- people getting together to talk, listen to music, eat food, and or watch sports.

finally- to be at the end.

Grammar Point: When stating something exciting, or when yelling something use an exclamation point. (!)
 Grammar Exercise: Create three sentences using an exclamation point. (!)

 Answer the following questions to show your understanding of the vocabulary words. Use the vocabulary words in your answer.

1. What is your favorite flavor of icecream?                                                               Football
2. What is a Football team?

3. What kind of things do you do at parties?

4. What kind of activities have you done before?

5. Have you ever been a part of festivities? Explain

6. Who is your favorite artist? Why?            

7. Who do you wish would win a championship?

8. Is it necessary to have shoes?

Football Championship Trophy
9.  Have you ever seen a performance, or been a part of a   performance? Explain

10. Did you finally make it to the end of this worksheet?

Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Why I decided to get my Masters Degree in TESOL

In May of 2013 I finished a Post-Baccalaureate 7-12 Certification Program to become a teacher. Since  have finishing the program I have debated what subject I should get my Masters degree in. Through out the education program, professors insisted that we, the students achieve a Masters degree in something that will make us more marketable as a teacher. I could understand why the Professors continued to drill it into our heads that we should achieve a marketable certification, but I did not want to study a specific certification if I was not interested in that certification just to be marketable. I wanted to study something that I was going to enjoy learning and teaching. During my student teaching experience I both observed and student taught with English Language Learners. During my student teacher experience with English Language Learners I really enjoyed my time with them. I enjoyed the smaller classrooms and the more one on one time you could spend with students in an English Language Learners classroom. I liked helping English Language Learners in a regular classroom and seeing the progress they made through out the year. I also loved the strategies used to help English Language Learners learn, strategies that I knew would also help me in an English classroom.


Certification- something you need to become a professional (ex. teacher, medical assistant)

Debate-two people or two groups of people having a friendly conversation where their ideas are different from one another and each person has a turn to talk.

Insist- to demand something, to repeat something you believe in.

Achieve-to produce something, to earn something.

Marketable-to make something or someone good and/or wanted.

Drill-to repeat

Specific-to be clear about someone or something.

Enjoy-to like, to have fun

Progress- to grow, to move ahead

Strategies-a plan or a method.

Grammar Point: When speaking in the past tense, or about something already expereinced use the correct ending. For example: I enjoy eating hot dogs. Past Tense- I enjoyed eating that hot dog.

Grammar Exercise/ Vocabulary exercise: Use the vocabulary words to create two sentences. One using the present tense and one using the past tense.
For Example: I insist you come to dinner. / I insisted him to come to dinner.